THIS IS A SCHEDULED EVENT Dec 19, 09:00 - 12:00 UTC
Nov 4, 14:46 UTC
Scheduled - Start: 19/December/24, 09:00 UTC
End: 19/December/24, 12:00 UTC
We would like to notify our users in advance that we are going to remove the ‘enabled’ services button in our customiser and reseller portals.
This means that this products option will be removed from the general functionality and will no longer be available in our UI and API interfaces.
If you use this parameter in any way (UI or API), we ask that you take this into consideration going forward and stop using this parameter.
Our engineering team will be performing maintenance to disable this parameter during the specified time period, which may result in a short-term lack of service for up to 30 minutes.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.